The Project
We were introduced to the team at AEX Logistics through a client of ours. They had seen some of our past work and felt like we were the right solution for the job. AEX, a logistics company that specializes in last-mile solutions in the Northeast, wasn't happy with its online presence. They were stuck in 2005 and they didn't feel like it accurately represented them as a company and brand, we agreed.
From the jump, it was clear this was going to be one of the larger projects we've handled. Countless unique pages to be designed, imagery needed, copy to be written, iconography to be was going to be a new journey the AEX team had never been through before.
Through Discovery, it was obvious they were a trusted brand by many with a rich history of living by the Golden Rule. We knew that trust and their years of experience in the space were something that needed to be captured as soon as you landed on the site, so that's what we did (see the Home page below). Additionally, some of their key goals with the site were to make contracting to deliver more appealing and attractive. So we made the Contract to Deliver page, funnel, signup process, and back-end integration a top priority (see Contract to Deliver page below). We oversaw the process of creating an API that allowed the beautiful frontend that we created talk to the complex backend that AEX had. Today, the signup form for the Contract to Deliver page is seamlessly integrated into their technology to kick off automation and properly organize information.
In prototyping, wireframing, and design, we went through several iterations that we eventually refined and formed into what you see today. From that point forward, it took hundreds of combined hours to select & finalize relevant imagery, write copy needed throughout the site, create and finalize iconography, land on proper color usage, etc.
Finally, in development, we saw the design come to life. Animations were added on a few of the pages to give them an extra "wow" factor and forms were given function. We oversaw the creation of the API integration by the AEX team so that our "Contract to Deliver" form properly talked with their backend, and finally launched the finished site.
AEX Logistics and their teams are extremely proud of their new site. After several of their competitors launched their new sites in the months that we were nearing launch, they became even more excited because they realized the hard work paid off. Their website wholly screams "AEX" in its entirety. Its modern, clean design allows for an intentional page funnel that can clearly & concisely communicates trust, their experience, and special sauce.
Hoover Collective is equally as proud of this new launch.
The Work
Site built around:
• So they can stand out from their competitors in last-mile solutions and be trusted for it
• To clearly define their special sauce in last-mile solutions and why so many companies trust them
• To have a site that visualizes the heart of their company: modern innovation that works for what’s happening now and is building toward the future
Some of what took place to get to launch:
• Market research to both understand how AEX was currently positioned against it's competitors and learn more about the logistics business to guarantee the new site would speak to the target audience through both design and copy
• Learned about the company as a whole and then drilled down on their needs for content on the site, helped define goals, and established a general direction for the site
• Collaborated with their team to land on the design that felt like them and said everything they needed to say in a clean and concise way
• Wireframed, designed and developed over 20+ pages with a combined total over 10 rounds of revisions
• In-person copywriting sessions
• Design & development review meetings
• API creation oversight
• & More
Unique features of the site:
• Large desktop navigation: organizes information clearly and visually stimulates
• Use of iconography: whether static or animated, the heavier use of iconography adds energy, and relevancy, and supports the story
• Dark technology page: Dark themes often capture technology in a cool way, this is the only dark page on the entire site
• Hoverable map of Northeast: To view distribution center locations
• & Plenty more: Browse the site yourself to see
A Glimpse
This is pretty
cool right?

The Project
We were introduced to the team at AEX Logistics through a client of ours. They had seen some of our past work and felt like we were the right solution for the job. AEX, a logistics company that specializes in last-mile solutions in the Northeast, wasn't happy with its online presence. They were stuck in 2005 and they didn't feel like it accurately represented them as a company and brand, we agreed.
From the jump, it was clear this was going to be one of the larger projects we've handled. Countless unique pages to be designed, imagery needed, copy to be written, iconography to be was going to be a new journey the AEX team had never been through before.
Through Discovery, it was obvious they were a trusted brand by many with a rich history of living by the Golden Rule. We knew that trust and their years of experience in the space were something that needed to be captured as soon as you landed on the site, so that's what we did (see the Home page below). Additionally, some of their key goals with the site were to make contracting to deliver more appealing and attractive. So we made the Contract to Deliver page, funnel, signup process, and back-end integration a top priority (see Contract to Deliver page below). We oversaw the process of creating an API that allowed the beautiful frontend that we created talk to the complex backend that AEX had. Today, the signup form for the Contract to Deliver page is seamlessly integrated into their technology to kick off automation and properly organize information.
In prototyping, wireframing, and design, we went through several iterations that we eventually refined and formed into what you see today. From that point forward, it took hundreds of combined hours to select & finalize relevant imagery, write copy needed throughout the site, create and finalize iconography, land on proper color usage, etc.
Finally, in development, we saw the design come to life. Animations were added on a few of the pages to give them an extra "wow" factor and forms were given function. We oversaw the creation of the API integration by the AEX team so that our "Contract to Deliver" form properly talked with their backend, and finally launched the finished site.
AEX Logistics and their teams are extremely proud of their new site. After several of their competitors launched their new sites in the months that we were nearing launch, they became even more excited because they realized the hard work paid off. Their website wholly screams "AEX" in its entirety. Its modern, clean design allows for an intentional page funnel that can clearly & concisely communicates trust, their experience, and special sauce.
Hoover Collective is equally as proud of this new launch.
The Work
Site built around:
• So they can stand out from their competitors in last-mile solutions and be trusted for it
• To clearly define their special sauce in last-mile solutions and why so many companies trust them
• To have a site that visualizes the heart of their company: modern innovation that works for what’s happening now and is building toward the future
Some of what took place to get to launch:
• Market research to both understand how AEX was currently positioned against it's competitors and learn more about the logistics business to guarantee the new site would speak to the target audience through both design and copy
• Learned about the company as a whole and then drilled down on their needs for content on the site, helped define goals, and established a general direction for the site
• Collaborated with their team to land on the design that felt like them and said everything they needed to say in a clean and concise way
• Wireframed, designed and developed over 20+ pages with a combined total over 10 rounds of revisions
• In-person copywriting sessions
• Design & development review meetings
• API creation oversight
• & More
Unique features of the site:
• Large desktop navigation: organizes information clearly and visually stimulates
• Use of iconography: whether static or animated, the heavier use of iconography adds energy, and relevancy, and supports the story
• Dark technology page: Dark themes often capture technology in a cool way, this is the only dark page on the entire site
• Hoverable map of Northeast: To view distribution center locations
• & Plenty more: Browse the site yourself to see